A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cute as a Bug

We have recieved a lot of nice things to use in our care of Caleb. We are grateful for every act of generosity shown to us and every item we have received. However, some items are just a little more special to us or melt our hearts just a little more than the other items. We received one of those items just this week.

Mom has a really good friend, MB, that went to college with us. Both MB and Mom share the same middle name. During college, they began to have a nickname for each other where they replaced the other person's middle name with the word "bug." Eventually, they began to call each other just "bug" and they still call each other that to this day.

It has been fun to play with their shared nickname and buy each other gifts featuring bugs. It was been especially fun to buy their children bug themed clothes. Earlier this week, we received an oversize package with MB's return address on it. When we opened it, we found a cute blanket with Caleb's name embroidered on it along with a picture of a bug. Of course, Mom fell in love with the blanket and insisted on using it immediately. Here's a picture of Caleb wrapped up in his new blanket.

Mom has generally enjoyed her days at home with Caleb since Dad went back to work. Mom especially likes the moments when Caleb is awake and alert and at peace. The second picture comes from Mom's hang out time with Caleb earlier today. They were laying on the bed and Caleb was in a really good mood looking at Mom and interacting with her. The second picture is taken from Mom's perpspective as she lay next to Caleb today.

1 comment:

The Metzes said...

Things are settling down so I finally got a chance to check in on Caleb. I'm glad he likes his new blanket! Love you, Bug (and Brian & Caleb, too, of course)!
