A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Going Home!!!

On Saturday, April 5, Caleb's Mom and Dad got some of the best news of their lives when the wonderful nurse said Caleb did not have to spend any more time in the bili-bed and that Caleb and his Mom would finally be discharged. After packing up the hospital room, our little family was ready to go. We are going to miss the wonderful staff that took such good care of Caleb and his Mom over the four nights they were in the hospital. Today was such an eventful day and such a big milestone in Caleb's short life that multiple pictures are warranted.

First, we have a picture of Caleb in that yucky bili-bed:

The next picture is what Caleb SHOULD have looked like in his hospital crib without the bili-bed:

This is the little outfit Caleb's Mom decided he should wear on his first trip home:

As on Wednesday, the outfit did not last long before Caleb got it dirty and it had to be taken off. But at least he was cute as he left the hospital.

Next is a picture of Caleb sitting in his car seat for the first time:

He is trying to figure out how to soothe himself by sucking on his fingers, but he does not have quite enough coordination to successfully get the fingers in his mouth each time. In this one, he just about has the fingers in his mouth. Because he can't really control what he gets in his mouth, he does not favor a particular finger. Rather, he takes whatever he can get.

This is the only picture of Caleb during his first car ride. Notice all of his poor Mom's medical bracelets:

In this picture, Caleb naps after all of the activity of leaving the hospital and coming home:

Finally, here is a picture of Caleb sleeping in his Granddaddy's bassinet:

April 5 was a good day and will be a day Caleb's Mom and Dad will always remember as the day Caleb came home to live with us.

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