A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The title of this post is meant to be a play on words. (Dad's not as creative as he would like to be.) This is a picture of Caleb on his changing pad. Of course, this is where Caleb gets most of his diapers changed. So the title is obvious. But the funny thing about the pad is the change that comes over Caleb when he is laying on the changing pad. As you can see from this picture, Caleb is perfectly content. For some reason, his mood will instantly change when his is laid on the changing pad. He can be screaming his head off, but when he is laid on the pad, he will almost instantly grow quiet. He has rarely cried while on the changing pad and he gives us little trouble while changing his diaper other than the occasional spray. Many times, he will resume his tantrum as soon as he is picked up from the changing pad, but for those few minutes he's on the pad, he's just a happy little baby. If we could figure out how to keep him from rolling off the top of the changing table, we'd be tempted to let him sleep there.

Mom and Caleb had a busy day today. Mom and Caleb made it to Mom's doctor, two trips to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and a visit to school so Mom could get some work done. Along the way, Mom and Caleb made a Target run. Rather than the usual routine of Mom carrying Caleb in the sling, she propped Caleb's car seat in the shopping cart. This is a picture of Caleb napping in the car seat while Mom shopped at Target.

Caleb continues to work on strenthening his neck and holding his head up. After Dad got home from work, Caleb got some neck exercises in. Mom wanted to get a picture of Caleb holding his head up on his own, but by the time she got the camera out, he was no longer holding his head up, but was resting his head in my hands. Despite not getting the picture she wanted, Mom still captured a cute picture of Caleb.

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