A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 29, 2008

School Days

Mom has gone back to work this week to help wrap up the school year and attend graduations, awards assemblies and other events. Whatshername has been here to take care of Caleb while Mom gets back into the flow at work. There have also been a few additional gifts for Caleb as a result of Mom's reappearance at work. One family gave Caleb a pack of onesies and Caleb wore one of them to school today. The mom of the family who gave the outfit to Caleb saw him wearing it and was very excited to see him in it. Of course, Caleb was also wearing Mom's beloved sandals. (You can't seem them in this picture, but trust me, he's wearing them.)

Tonight, we had planned on going to Cafe TuTu Tango for dinner. This is the third restaurant we ate at in Miami and has been one of our favorites the entire time we have lived here. That is why we were so disappointed when I read earlier in the month that it is closing because their lease was not renewed. So we had decided to go for one last hurrah. Well, we missed it because they closed Monday. So we went to Outback instead. Caleb's Uncle Bob joined us and we all had a very nice time. Caleb slept through most of dinner right up until the very end.

When we got home from dinner, Mom was ready to get Caleb into his pajamas and hopefully get him ready to go to bed. Caleb was in a very good mood and Whatshername was able to get a really good picture of Caleb in his Mom's arms.


Unknown said...

That last pic looks like he is gazing at a big steak at Outback.

The Metzes said...

I am so sad to hear about Cafe TuTu Tango! We loved that place and have told so many others about it! They need to reopen before the Metz family plans their next trip to Miami!

Love the quilt - how special! On our last trip home I spent an afternoon with my Granny piecing Clark's quilt. It was a very special and memorable day that took me back to my childhood. Someday maybe I'll have a picture on Clark on his quilt - if it ever gets finished!
