A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Friday, June 6, 2008

What a Day!

Before anything else tonight, I must clear up a matter. I have been accused off site of causing Caleb to cry on Wednesday. Let me just point out that the picture was taken on Mom's phone while Caleb was sitting on Mom's lap while Dad was at work. Draw your own conclusions.

After not having any interesting pictures to post yesterday, Mom ended up taking a number of pictures today. However, I already knew which pictures I wanted to post tonight.

We took Caleb
to see a University of Miami baseball game tonight. We got him all decked out in UM colors for the occasion. We even brought out the UM pacifier (remember this...it's important). I was hoping that Caleb could get on TV as they panned the crowd. But we were running late and ended up no where near a camera. I guess it was just a pipe dream.

Caleb did fine through about five innings. He was fussy at first, but the sun was still pretty bright and it was still fairly warm. After the sun got pretty low in the sky, Caleb was ready to hang out and play. Around the fifth inning, he started to get fussy, so Mom crawled out of the bleachers and went to change him. He was fine for about an inning and then got fussy again. Mom again crawled out of the bleachers to feed him. She stood the rest of the game at the foot of the bleachers.

I was really excited to have Caleb at the game. One of the things I am really looking forward to is the opportunity to take him to lots of sporting events, especially UM games. I hope sporting events can become a bonding time for us. Alas, Caleb's first UM baseball game ended in defeat in extra innings. Though we were disappointed in the outcome, we have more games to look forward to and hopefullly most will have the right ending.

Earlier today, Mom emailed me this picture from her phone with the comment that Caleb needs a pacifier at work. In the picture, Caleb is soothing himself by sucking on Mom's finger. That's great for Caleb, but it makes it difficult for Mom to get any work done.

You might ask why we don't have a pacifier for Caleb already. Well, because we have turned into "those" parents. You know, the ones we said we'd never be. We didn't give Caleb a pacifier the first few weeks based on advice we got from the professionals so that Caleb would get used to his Mom. A while back, we discussed starting to get Caleb on a pacifier because he makes our pinkies all wrinkly. I wanted to get it out for him, but Mom wouldn't let me because it had not been sterilized. Time slipped by and here we are a few weeks later and we still hadn't sterilized the pacifier and that thing wasn't crossing his lips until it had been thoroughly heated at a high temperature. I sent Mom a text message this afternoon asking her to sterilize the UM pacifier because I was sure that would be the touch that would get him on TV.

He didn't like the pacifier at first. He gagged on it so we put it away. We tried it again at the game and he cried at first and let it fall out of his mouth. He gradually kept in longer and longer. By the time we were on our way home, I put it in because he was crying and I feel so bad when he cries in the car because there is not a thing I can do for him...and he looks right at me when he's crying in the car as if he expects me to help him. So he took the pacifier in the car and went to town. He didn't spit it out until right before we got home.

So we've crossed another small threshhold. We're only nine weeks into this parenting experiment and we are still learning, still trying to figure out how this all works. I just hope we get it figured out before he graduates from high school. I'm sure that's just a pipe dream, just like my dream that Caleb was going to become famous tonight.

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