A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Book Lover

Tonight, we went to our favorite book store. This is the bookstore where we purchased the last several Harry Potter books because they do really cool events. They also host lots of author events. Tonight, they hosted an appearnce by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson to promote their new book, Science Fair. Dave Barry is a humor writer who has written numerous books and he wrote a humor column for the Miami Herald that was syndicated in papers all over the country. We enjoyed his columns even before we moved here, but since he often wrote about the humorous side of Miami, we grew to appreciate him even more. A while back, he teamed up with Pearson to write a series of Peter Pan prequels. We decided to go to the first appearance at the book store for the first Peter Pan book because we are fans of Dave Barry. Mom enjoyed the book and we have since gone back to get the next two books in the series. When we found out Barry and Pierson had another book out, we knew we had to get it.

Mom picked me up from work and we went over to the bookstore. We browsed for a few minutes and before we took our seats to wait for the event to start, Mom picked out a couple of new books for Caleb to chew, I mean read. Caleb sat in his new stroller and did very well. He was not very disruptive during the entire presentation. While waiting for the event to start, an older couple next to us started talked to Mom about Caleb. They were highly impressed at his mellow demeanor and his curiosity for all that was going on. Numerous people passed by his stroller and he watched every one. At the end of the event, we waited in line to get our copy of the book, then we took a stroll through the neighborhood so we could get some dinner. After dinner and finding a new chocolate shop near the bookstore, we called it an evening.

Mom didn't tell me why she took this picture, but I wanted to include it because Caleb is such a happy baby.

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