A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Go Marlins!

Caleb slept pretty well last night. Of course, he needed to because he had a pretty big day today. We all went out to breakfast together then drove out to the Everglades to that Auntie M could see alligators in the wild. We stopped at the Clyde Butcher Gallery out in the Big Cypress Forest. Caleb ate while Dad, Uncle S and Auntie M looked around. We saw a number of gators and enjoyed looking at the photography in the gallery. After a while, we all piled in the car and headed back toward Miami. We stopped in at Gator Park for Auntie M and Caleb's first visit to the park. After a picnic, Dad, Uncle S and Auntie M went on an airboat ride and then we all went to see the gator wrestling show. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures from Gator Park because Dad put the camera battery on the charger and then forgot to get the battery before we left the house.

After resting at home for a little while, we all headed north to see the Florida Marlins play the Kansas City Royals. This was Caleb's first Major League baseball game. After the game, we enjoyed some fireworks before heading home.

Caleb did great at the game. He slept through most of the game, which the Marlins won 7-3 but when he was awake, he was in a very good mood and seemed to enjoy the atmosphere.

Caleb really enjoyed spending time with Uncle S and Auntie M who have been so good to him all weekend. They even bought him a Marlins t-shirt that he can wear to games later this year. And Uncle S let Caleb wear his sunglasses. We have really enjoyed the visit with Uncle S and Auntie M. Caleb is really disappointed that they are leaving tomorrow morning and he hopes they come back to see him again real soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had a ball, and please be sure to remind Caled how much fun he had while we were there