A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 26, 2008


One of Mom's few regrets as a mother to this point is the photograph that she did not get. She tried several times, but was unsuccessful in each attempt. Mom wanted a picture of Caleb in an
Anne Geddes-like pose. She wanted a picture of him curled up on a ball on his stomach with his naked little butt sticking up in the air. Unfortunately, every time we turned him over to try to get such a picture, he would wake up and either roll to the side or straighten his body and raise his hips so that we had more in the picture than we wanted to share. So although we have numerous beautiful pictures of Caleb, we don't have THAT picture.

After dinner, I was changing Caleb's diaper and he was in a really happy mood. He was giggling and kicking. I had taken off his onesie because I was about to put on his pajamas. When I took off his diaper, he was completely naked and kicking around, so I flipped him over to see he would react. He did not react negatively and Mom went to get the camera. Although he did not curl in the ball (and that will probably never happen at this poing), Mom was able to get a couple of cute pictures of him pushing up really well. I told Mom that he probably wouldn't appreciate us having these pictures and that we would have to blackmail him with them someday. Mom responded that we weren't being good parents if we didn't have some embarassing pictures. I've already been told that he probably won't appreciate me writing about his poop, so I guess I can't make it any worse by posting pictures of his cute little bum.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree that he will be more embarrassed by the poop stories than thes pics