A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 28, 2008

He's Getting There

Early on, we noticed that Caleb was trying to suck on his fingers. He didn't have enough coordination to get his hand up to his mouth or to keep it up there if by some weird
coincidence he actually got something into his mouth. More recently, we thought he might be a thumb sucker. He puts his hand up to his mouth as if to suck his thumb, but the thumb stays firmly in his fist, so what he really does is just drool all over his fist.

Well, yeterday, my daily update from Mom was labeled "He Found His Finger" and was picture of Caleb with his forefinger in his mouth. Today, he proved it was no fluke, but a skill he has actually gained. He can instinctively get his finger in his mouth when he wants to. All day long, we found him, or heard him, with his forefinger in his mouth. And he's loud when he sucks on it. You can hear it across the room. This evening, Caleb was in the bouncy seat having a good time while Mom prepared dinner sucking on his finger. Mom tried to get a picture but was only able to get one where you can actually see the finger in his mouth. Of course, as she tried to get another one, he pulled it out of his mouth with a grin on his face as if to say, "Ha, I got you."

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