A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Tonight, our life group from church decided to go out for some fun and chance to hang out together. We started the night at a bowling alley on South Beach called Lucky Strike. After bowling a few games, we headed to a German Restaurant on Lincoln Road. While we were at dinner, Caleb played with his toy bar. His arms are getting a little longer and he is getting stronger. He reached up with both hands and solidly grabbed the toy bar and started pulling himself up as if the bar is chin up bar. Now we have to keep an eye out for Caleb pulling the bar down and smacking himself in the face.

We ended our night at an ice cream parlor called Frieze. Caleb ended up being the center of attention as we all stood in a circle around his stroller eating our ice cream before breaking for the night and heading our separate ways. Caleb seemed to enjoy the atmosphere.

Tonight was an interesting experiment for us. Although we are working hard to keep Caleb on a schedule, we have always acknowledged that our lives will not always be conducive to the schedule on a particular night. Since tomorrow is Labor Day and a day off for both of us, we decided to do an experiment and see how Caleb handles being out past his bedtime. We were pleased with how he responded. He was obviously tired by the end of the night and quickly fell asleep once we were in the car, but he did not get overly cranky and he did not have a meltdown or tantrum. So we learned that, at least for now, we have a little freedom to enjoy our time out with our friends.

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