A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 16, 2008

Seats of Honor

As I mentioned yesterday, I put together a new swing for Mom's office. Today was her first opportunity to make use of it. I have been looking forward to see how it is going to work because the swing here at the house has magic powers in its ability to calm Caleb and lull him to sleep. I hope the new swing will have the same superpowers.

Mom tried it out intially today, and Caleb seemed immune to its power. But Mom was eventually able to get Caleb to sleep in the swing. I messed up though. I followed the directions precisely. For some reason, the directions had me attach the tray to the seat before I completed the frame and base. Mom suggested I not add the tray, but I am a literalist when it comes to following directions as I perform the required assembly. She was right. I could have waited on the tray, and now it is in place and I'm not sure I can get it off. As you can see, the tray is pretty bulky. Hopefully it won't bother him, but I am worried it is going to constrict his movement.

Of course, Caleb also has a bouncy seat at Mom's office. It's a wonder mom has been able to keep her desk in her office with all of the necessities required to take care of Caleb during the day. But she manages. The bouncy seat has an arch with some toys attached to it. It's not completely clear in the picture, but Caleb is intently staring at the toys in front of him. He is working on his ability to focus on inanimate objects directly in front of him. The problem is, he goes a little cross eyed if the object is too close to his face.

Well, Caleb has recently discovered his hands, or more precisely, his fists. He often stares at his fists. Because his arms are short, he holds his fist close to his face. The short distance makes him go cross-eyed. The short distance also proves to lead to another problem. Although Caleb is aware of his fists, I'm pretty sure that he has not figured out that his fists are attached to his arms which are in turn attached to his body. He also has not mastered control of his limbs yet. So, holding his fist right in front of his face has led him to smack himself in the face numerous times. On the one hand, I feel bad when he smacks himself. On the other hand, it's pretty darn funny.

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