A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Tuesday, June 17
Caleb continues to work on his ability to push up and look around from a stomach down position. He is getting stronger and stronger.

Tonight we went out to eat before our Tuesday night bible study. Mom usually feeds Caleb while we wait for our food arrive. Tonight, we got a big kick out of him propping his foot up on the table while he ate.

We've only been giving Caleb a pacifier for a little over a week now. He has a hard time holding the pacifier in his mouth when he's not actually sucking on it. After the bible study, we drove to my office to get something I forgot. On the way over there, Caleb was getting tired and fussy, so I gave him a pacifier. Normally, I have to hold a finger in front of the pacifier to keep him from dropping it. He had fallen asleep and was holding on to it pretty well when Mom dropped me off at the restaurant to get my car. Apparently it was still in his mouth when Caleb and Mom got home. His ability to hold on to it that long without assistance seems to be another small first.

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