A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 20, 2008

Date Night

We had our first family date night since Caleb was born. Other than the baseball game a couple of weeks ago, we have not really gone out just to hang out. Whatshername had given Mom some shoppoing money, so we decided to head out to the mall tonight so Mom could do her shopping. I met Mom and Caleb at the mall on the way home from work. We started out by having dinner in the food court. I sat Caleb on the table in the crook of my arm so he could look around while we ate. I had my arm across his chest and Caleb started chewing/sucking on my wrist. He chews and sucks on things a lot and he drools. A LOT! It seems early, but Mom wonders if he is going to get teeth early.

After our dinner, we headed into the mall to one of Mom's favorite stores. Caleb and I sat out in the mall while Mom shoppe; Caleb in the stroller and I in a nice comfy chair I found. Caleb enjoyed watching all
that was going on around him. He kicked and gurgled while I read email on my cell phone. After a while, Caleb started getting fussy, so I got him out of the stroller and we headed into the store to find Mom. Mom was in the changing room trying on clothes. While she did that, I was able to rock Caleb to sleep. The timing was perfect as Mom wrapped up her purchase as Caleb settled back into the stroller for a short nap. We headed back down to the food court for something sweet. We took one short lap around the mall and Caleb woke up hungry. After a short snack, we packed Caleb up and headed home.

It was good to get out of the house tonight. As Caleb gets a little older, we are looking forward to being able to leave the house on a more regular basis. We are also looking forward to Caleb being old enough for a sitter so Mom and Dad can have some date nights.

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