A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Home Alone

Caleb had a big day today. This morning, Mom and Dad had a breakfast date, so Caleb stayed home with his Granddaddy and Whatshername. After Mom and Dad returned from breakfast, Grandaddy and Whatshername packed up to head back to Tennessee.
Caleb spent a few minutes with his Granddaddy on the couch before sitting through a number of pictures. Once Grandaddy and Whatshername left, Mom and Dad were on their own with Caleb.
In the afternoon, Mom gave Caleb a bath. After the bath, Caleb spent some time cuddled up in the towel his Uncle S and Auntie M gave him. He seemed pretty refereshed after his bath and was in a good mood.

Now that he is close to three weeks old, Caleb is starting to straighten out by stretching his legs. It is hard to catch him curled up in a little ball anymore, so when he is, we have to get a picture.

Caleb came home from the hospital two weeks ago today. Caleb has enjoyed having grandparents around the house for the last two weeks. Poppy and TuTu and Granddaddy and Whatshername have been wonderful to Mom and Dad and we are grateful for all the help that they have provided. But now that Granddaddy and Whatshername have left, it feels as though Mom and Dad are moving into a new stage with Caleb. We are on our own now. We are building our little family of three. We are eager and apprehensive about the challenges that lay before us. We look forward to all that God has in store for our family and I look forward to the opportunity to continue sharing that with you through this blog.

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