A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 4, 2008

Catching Some Z's

Caleb's jaundice treatment seems to be progressing fairly well. His bilirubin level went down late last night and was stabilized this morning. Caleb enjoyed a meal around lunchtime. After eating, his very tired mom took a nap. In the meantime, Caleb and I got some quality one-on-one time. Instead of putting him back in the bilirubin blanket, we spent some time near the window so Caleb could get some sunshine rather than go back to the harsh artificial light of the bilirubin blankent. In this picture, Caleb takes a nap in the warm sunshine while his dad admires his beautiful, peaceful face.

Ahh...Fresh Clothes

As I pointed out yesterday, Caleb spent the first couple of days in a hopsital issued "shirt" which was really nothing more than a paper towel with sleeves and one tiny piece of velcro in the front. His mom's suitcase did not contain any of his clothes because we had only had a baby shower just two weeks ago and he wasn't expected until April 13. Since he showed up a little early, we were caught off guard and had not sorted all of the wonderful clothes so many generous friends and family have given to Caleb. I finally got back to the house of the morning of April 3 and brought some of Caleb's clothes to the hospital.

This picture is Caleb's first outfit. This is the first time he wore his own clothes. As you can see, from this picture, he was not too thrilled with the process of putting on this little gown. It does not have the customary snaps and had to be pulled over his head like a t-shirt. It was a little tight around his tiny little head and kind of hard for his mom to get on him.

Prior to his birth everyone, especially Caleb's mom, was concerned that Caleb was going to be a big baby and that many of the newborn sized clothes that he had received would not fit. As you know, when he was born, Caleb was a bit on the small size. Look at this picture closely. This outfit was sized for a premie! Look how loosely the cap fits on his head. I don't think we are worried anymore about Caleb fitting into his clothes (or his newborn diapers for that matter).

Unfortunately, Caleb did not get to wear this outfit for very long. On Thursday, Caleb developed a case of jaundice. Shortly after putting this outfit on Caleb, the nurse showed up to let us know that the doctor had ordered Caleb to spend some time in a bilirubin blanket. So he had to take off the new gown pretty quickly. However, his mom had a good time putting him in something cute and is looking forward to dressing him in more cute outfits in the future.

Hanging Out

Caleb's first full day (April 2) was pretty busy as there was a parade of nurses, doctors, lactation consultants and an assortment of other individuals came in and out of the room. Caleb had some very special visitors as his Granddaddy and ????? from Tennessee drove down to Miami to meet him (Granddaddy's wife can't figure out what to have Caleb call her. Caleb's uncle suggested peepee or poopoo). In this picture, caleb enjoys a rare quiet moment with mom on her hospital bed. Notice the cheap hospital "shirt" he is wearing.


Caleb Michael came into this world on April 1st at 7:21 P.M. weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce. He came into the world with a scream and quickly grabbed onto my finger as the lovely nurses cleaned him and checked him out. His mother and I enjoyed our first moments of bonding before he was taken to the nursery for his first bath. Here he is in his crib as he goes into the nursery. (You'll notice my very poor attempt at swaddling a wiggly little boy for the first time.)


I have created this blog to chronicle the first year of my son Caleb's life. I intend to post a picture of Caleb every day for the next year (I am getting started a few days late because of how hectic it is to have a baby). Please visit regularly as I intend to show Caleb's many "firsts", his cuteness and any other characteristic he may come to exhibit.

I know fatherhood is going to be exciting and trying jouurney. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey leads. I hope you will visit often and enjoy the ride with me.

Caleb's Dad