A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 12, 2008

One Week

Caleb has been home for one week today. The day was acknowledged with very little fanfare. Dad went to a meeting at church, Poppy and TuTu went shoe shopping and Mom and Caleb napped. We're real party animals.

Today really was uneventful until the evening. Caleb's Granddaddy and Whatshername (I previously mentioned that Caleb's maternal grandmother can't decide what she should be called. Dad has decided to refer to her as Whatshername until she comes up with something.) arrived at the house and dinner. Mom and Dad thought it would be special for Caleb to have all four of his grandparents here at once. TuTu cooked fajitas and we all had a good time together. Caleb was passed around and hardly had a moment to himself. I don't think he was too disappointed.

Due to the uneventfulness of the day, very little of note happened today. Caleb did have his first bath this afternoon while Poppy and TuTu were out. Caleb was not thrilled with this idea and cried for most of the ordeal. He did calm down once Mom got the hooded towel on him to dry him and warm him.

At the end of the day, Dad could not decide which picture to post today. Mom was sure the picture should be from the bath as this was such a big milestone for Caleb. However, Caleb was wrapped in his UM blanket for this first time today and Dad just can't resist Caleb showing off his colors. Dad decided to compromise and post both pictures. Enjoy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Site Update

Dad has posted several entries last night and today. Dad finally got home internet earlier this week which will make keeping the site up to date. I had to post several entries as once in order to get caught up and post a picture from each day since last Friday. Now that the site is up to date, my intention is to post a new entry each night. I hope everyone will check back often to check out Caleb's latest adventures.

I have made several references to TuTu who I initially explained was Caleb's paternal grandmother. I wanted to clarify that Caleb's paternal grandmother was not a dancer and is not named after a frilly garment worn by a ballerina.

TuTu is the Hawaiian word for grandmother. Caleb's Great-Grandmother used to spend vacations in Hawaii. She learned the word for grandmother and wanted her grandchildren to call her TuTu. Dad was too old and too much in the habit to switch from Grandmother to TuTu, however, several of Dad's younger cousins referred to her as TuTu. Caleb's TuTu decided it was a nice unique name and a good tribute to TuTu's mother, so that is what she has chosen to be called. I suppose it is not necessarily accurate to capitalize both T's, but since that is what I have started doing, I will continue doing so.

Life is Good

Having Caleb is such a blessing to Mom and Dad. We've been home almost a week now and reality is starting to set in that we are now parents and that we have a precious son that we are responsible for seeing into adulthood and beyond. But Dad does not want to rush through this...I'm having far more fun than one person should be allowed.

Today, Mom and Dad had their first outing by themselves while Poppy and TuTu stayed behind to look after Caleb. Mom and Dad went out for a nice lunch together and then window shopped at a mall for a little while. While window shopping, Dad popped into a puppy store and an aquarium store. Dad would really like to get Caleb a dog and Dad also thinks it would be cool to get an aquarium some day. Both of these acquisitions are, of course, down the road when Caleb gets a little older. Both acquisitions may also have to wait until after Emma departs from our lives. Mom is OK with the aquarium idea, but is not so thrilled with the idea of getting a dog. Some strong persuasion is necessary.

While having lunch, Mom and Dad had the opportunity to reflect on how our lives have changed just in the last week and a half. It was especially poignant because there was an eight month old baby at the table next to us. It was especially amusing when Mom told Dad that she hadn't even noticed the baby. Mom would have noticed the baby instantaneously just two weeks ago. Dad marveled at the size of the baby and how big he is. We have a friend at church who also has an eight month old baby. Dad held him just a few months ago and it is amazing how big he has gotten in that time. This realization makes Dad want to savor every moment with Caleb and soak everything in so Dad will never forget. I am sure that there are small moments that Dad has already forgotten.

That is why I am sharing today's picture with you. It represents so much of Dad and how Dad feels about Caleb. Dad started noticing the Life is Good shirts a while back. Mom got this shirt for Dad this past Christmas because it has a football on it. One of Dad's favorite pastimes is watching football and Dad can't wait to start watching football games with Caleb. Dad also likes this photo because of the perspective it gives. In my hands, one can get a sense of just how small Caleb is right now. I know that in just a few short months, Caleb will be as big as that baby at the restaurant. But right now, Dad can cradle Caleb and hold him close with barely any effort. Dad enjoys these moments with Caleb mor than any other. The shirt says it all. Life is Good!

Big Day Out

Prior to April 10, Caleb had only been in the car several times for very short rides: the ride home on Saturday, the first visit to the pediatrician, and a quick run to Mom's doctor Wendesday afternoon. On Thursday, Caleb had his first extended car ride beginning with a follow up trip to see his pediatrician which was a very successful visit and brought great peace of mind to Mom and Dad. Caleb gained a half pound between Monday and Thursday bringing his weight up to 6 lbs 6 oz. He is already past his birth weight well in advance of the two week mark. Mom thinks we should call him gordo. His bilirubin level dropped nearly 25% from the Monday reading. The jaundice is officially no longer a concern!!! Receiving that information was the highlight of the visit.

The lowlight of the visit was drawing the blood to test for bilirubin. In order to draw the blood, Caleb's heel is pricked with a small needle, then a small vial is pressed up against his heel. The nurse has to squeeze his little heel to force the blood up into the vial. This is all done while a very distraught Dad holds Caleb close to his chest to keep him steady and try to calm his crying. It is very difficult to hold your son knowing that he is going to be hurt but that it is for his own good. In this short episode, I gain a better understanding of what it means to be a father; what it means to have the desire to protect your child, but also desiring his well being, even if that means allowing him to experience short term suffering.

The most lighthearted moment occurred when Dad was undressing Caleb so that he could be weighed. Of course, Caleb's diaper was dirty, so Dad turned to ask Mom for something to wipe him with when Dad heard the nurse say "Watch out Dad!" Dad turned back just in time to witness a golden arch over Caleb's head soaking Dad's jeans. Mom and Dad enjoyed a good laugh as we cleaned Caleb. This is just one of several instances in which Dad and Mom have experienced the unique challenge of caring for a newborn boy.

After the doctor visit, Caleb, Mom, Dad, Poppy & TuTu all headed down to Knaus Berry Farm for Caleb's first visit. Knaus is a Miami institution. We have been visiting ever since we moved to Miami. Knaus is located in southwest Miami-Dade County in the last area of the county that is still agricultural. They sell fresh fruits and vegetables (they are especially known for their strawberries), incredible baked goods and one of the best strawberry milkshakes you could ever have. Caleb's Granddaddy makes a pilgrimage down just about every visit and heads back to Tennessee with a flat of strawberries and an assortment of vegetables to share with the family back home.

Knaus is only open seasonally and closes the last Saturday in April. Caleb was barely born in time to make a trip before they close this season. We headed down for milkshakes, fresh vegetables and some sweet breads. Since we went down on a weekday morning, there was no there when we arrived, so we decided to take Caleb inside. Of course, Caleb did not get to enjoy the fruits of this journey, so Dad is eagerly anticipating the time when he can share a milkshake and cinnamon roll with Caleb.

All together, we were out for over two hours. Caleb made the trip like a champ sleeping most of the time. He didn't fuss or get fidgety at all. It was a good trip.

New Holiday

April 9 shall now be known as Belly Button Day! Mom was changing Caleb's diaper following an afternoon feeding. Mom asked dad to come over and see Caleb's belly button. Sure enough, the remnant of Caleb's umbilical cord had fallen off and we could see his cute little belly button. This is Caleb's first picture where his belly button can be seen.

Mom sent a text message letting several family members know of the momentous occasion. Caleb's Uncle S responded and asked if he had an innie or an outie. At first, it was an outie, but over the last couple of days, it has drawn back to be an innie.

One of the items we found at Babies R Us and added to our registry was a SleepSack. A sleep sack is a wearable blanket that is designed to prevent SIDS. The baby is placed in the blanket which is then zipped up. The blanket has an opening for the arms so they can be free. The blanket is designed to keep the baby warm, but because the baby is wearing it, the baby does not get his face wrapped up in the blanket and suffocate. The newborn size also has a swaddle feature which is an extra piece of fabric that attaches to the blanket by velcro and then wraps around the baby and attaches with more velcro.

We tried this on Tuesday night hoping a nice tight swaddle would help him sleep. Because the swaddle is held by velcro, we can get it nice and tight so that he can't wiggle his arm out and loosen the blanket. Although we only had moderate success with his sleep on Tuesday night (which we don't even know whether it was directly attributable to the blanket) we love it and used it for two days. The gift received was a two pack which also included a second blanket for a larger baby. We are looking forward to using this blanket often.

Caleb looked so peasceful in his blanket on Wednesday morning. One of the things I love about this picture is the sun just peeking in on Caleb's bassinet.

Settling In

At one week old on April 8, Caleb seemed to be getting in to a routine. He had a great night Monday night sleeping peacefully between each feeding. Then on Tuesday morning he was awake for an extended period of time giving both TuTu and Poppy some good hang out time. We thought we had turned a corner and passed one of our earliest challenges.

However, he has lapsed back into a pattern where he does not sleep as well at night between feedings. Nights are not as difficult as they were over the previous weekend, but they are taking their toll on Mom and Dad...moreso on Mom because she wants Dad to rest at night so she can rest during the day when Caleb sleeps really hard. She's been working to follow the advice of getting sleep when Caleb sleeps. Dad feels a little guilty though because Caleb is not challenging during the daytime and Dad has Poppy and TuTu's help. Dad has spent some time with Caleb at night and has changed some nighttime diapers, but Mom has been great and works hard for Caleb's sake.

Mom and Dad are trying to adjust to this little guy and his rhythms. Though he has challenged us, his Mom and Dad are so in love with him and are so grateful that God has brought him into our lives. We pray that we can rise to the challenge of raising this little man to be a child of God.

Going Out

On April 7, Caleb had his first outing out of the house. He had an appointment with his pediatrician to follow up on hs bilirubin level. The doctor wanted to make sure Caleb continued to make progress. He was at the same weight, 5 lbs 14 oz., as when he left the hospital on Saturday.

We were also concerned because nighttime had been very rough. After eating at night, he would only sleep on his Mom's chest...not in the bassinet. His doctor suggested putting him in the car seat to sleep. This is a great idea...for daytime. However, it did not work so well at nighttime.

Overall, the visit to the doctor went well. Caleb's doctor was impressed with his neck strength. He tries to hold his head up and can keep it up for several seconds. She also walked him across the table and she is impressed with his leg strength. Needless to say, Caleb is a prodigy. ;)

After the visit to the Doctor, Dad, Mom and TuTu spent a large part of the day sorting th clothes that have been given to Caleb. As I previously mentioned, Caleb was wearing some premie clothes he had been given. The vast majority of the clothes were in the three to nine month range. He has a few Newborn sizes, but those things pretty much swallow him up. He wore one of the smaller newborn onesies to the doctor. You can see that the "smaller" onesie is still pretty big on his little body.


Emma is very apprehensive about Caleb. She checks him out often, but can't figure out what he is. She generally steers clear of him, but occasionally works up some bravery to try and get a sniff. In this picture, Emma makes an approach before deciding she should steer clear.

First Day

On Sunday, April 6, Dad went to church in the morning while Caleb and his Mom stayed home to rest from the ordeal of the previous four days and to avoid the germs. In the afternoon, Dad finished painting Caleb's nursery. As Dad was finising up the cleaning process, Caleb's Poppy and TuTu (paternal grandfather and grandmohter) arrived for some eagerly anticipated grandparent time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Going Home!!!

On Saturday, April 5, Caleb's Mom and Dad got some of the best news of their lives when the wonderful nurse said Caleb did not have to spend any more time in the bili-bed and that Caleb and his Mom would finally be discharged. After packing up the hospital room, our little family was ready to go. We are going to miss the wonderful staff that took such good care of Caleb and his Mom over the four nights they were in the hospital. Today was such an eventful day and such a big milestone in Caleb's short life that multiple pictures are warranted.

First, we have a picture of Caleb in that yucky bili-bed:

The next picture is what Caleb SHOULD have looked like in his hospital crib without the bili-bed:

This is the little outfit Caleb's Mom decided he should wear on his first trip home:

As on Wednesday, the outfit did not last long before Caleb got it dirty and it had to be taken off. But at least he was cute as he left the hospital.

Next is a picture of Caleb sitting in his car seat for the first time:

He is trying to figure out how to soothe himself by sucking on his fingers, but he does not have quite enough coordination to successfully get the fingers in his mouth each time. In this one, he just about has the fingers in his mouth. Because he can't really control what he gets in his mouth, he does not favor a particular finger. Rather, he takes whatever he can get.

This is the only picture of Caleb during his first car ride. Notice all of his poor Mom's medical bracelets:

In this picture, Caleb naps after all of the activity of leaving the hospital and coming home:

Finally, here is a picture of Caleb sleeping in his Granddaddy's bassinet:

April 5 was a good day and will be a day Caleb's Mom and Dad will always remember as the day Caleb came home to live with us.