A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Super Soaker Saturday

We had a wet day in Miami today. We went out for breakfast and to the grocery store this morning. After we got home, it rained all afternoon and limited any opporunity we might have had to go for a walk or do anything outside. Dad did take Caleb out on the porch for a little while to listen to the rain. This evening after dinner, the rain had finally let up and we made a run to Wall's for Ice Cream. Since we were cooped up in the house all day, Caleb spent his afternoon either eating or sleeping with Mom. Caleb is fast asleep in this picture and looks really cute with his hand up next to his face.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Told Ya So

I've been saying for a few days now that Caleb is starting to smile on a regular basis, but the best picture Mom could get was the fuzzy one I posted a few days back. I've also said that Caleb
has been working on holding his head up while he lays on his stomach. Again, we have not been able to capture a picture of it. Well today, Mom, like a gunslinger with a gun on her hip and
ready at the draw, had the camera close by and was able to capture not one, but both of the elusive events. Now we have photographic proof of both. Unfortunately, the flash was on for the first two pictures, so Caleb has redeye and the software doesn't recognize the redeye and won't let me fix it. But that face is just too cute for me to resist posting these pictures.

BONUS PICTURE: Mom got a little artistic today with this close up shot of Caleb sleeping.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Twinkle Toes

For a while, I had been thinking about, and had mentioned to Mom, that I wanted to do some kind of recurring post with pictures of Caleb's feet to help give a sense of how fast he is grown. As you know I have not posted any such thing in the 7+ weeks of this blog's existece. Until now that is. Mom took this picture of Caleb's feet earlier this evening and it turned out really well. This should just be the first of many pictures, thought I don't know how often I'll add them.

This picture was taken during dinner. I really like it because Caleb has a sly/mischievous look on his face as he looks over his shoulder.

It's Late!

Dad messed around and did not get a Wednesday, May 21, 2008 post up before the calendar page flipped over and it is now very late. So I am just going to leave you with this picture of Caleb on Dad's arm on their way into worship this evening. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Not a Dress

In these first two pictures, Caleb is wearing the pajamas he slept in last night. In the first picture, Caleb is laying on his jungle gym while Dad gets ready for work and Mom is having breakfast in
the the dining room. In the second picture, Caleb is sitting in a swing he was given by the cradle roll teacher, Mrs. B., at church. The swing was given to the church, but Mrs. B. said she couldn't use it and she let us bring it home. The swing, however, does not work yet because we do not have any batteries in it. The pajamas Caleb is wearing are really a sleep gown. Caleb had it on last night when I got home from a bible study. The first words out of Mom's mouth were that it is not a dress. I'm not sure why she thought I would have a problem with the gown since we put a gown on him way back at the hospital.

Caleb is hanging out on his jungle gym in the second two pictures. We read an article that said babies should start having tummy time around their sixth week. The jungle gym is actually
designed for back time, tummy time and sitting time. So Mom started putting Caleb on his stomach for small stretches today. Later this evening, he was able to push on his elbows and look around for a few seconds. Unfortunately, we did not have the camera convenient and we were not able to get a picture of it. Hopefully, we'll be ready the next time he does a pushup.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ho Hum Day Part 2

Nothing really out of the ordinary happened today other than this morning. Mom went in to work this morning for a meeting which meant Dad had to take care of Caleb while mom was gone. Other than that, Mom and Caleb stayed home all day. Caleb did eat alot, apparently in an effort to make up for lost time from this past weekend when he slept most of the time. In the top picture, Caleb is snoozing in his bouncy seat in some pajamas that were given to him by a friend of Mom's at work. We have had so many people be generous to us and Caleb by giving us a lot of cute new clothes. But this one woman Mom knows through work has given us a lot of hand me downs. We are extremely grateful for the hand me downs because they have helped stretch out the other things that have been given to Caleb.

This afternoon, Caleb and Mom napped together in the afternoon sun that comes into our beroom. In this picture, Caleb is wearing this onesie and bib for the first time. That fact is probably the most exciting part of Caleb's day today.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ho Hum Day

Uncle S and Auntie M headed back to Tennessee this morning and the whole family was sad to see them go. Caleb was especially sad to see them go because he realized that he gets to have fun when they are here, but when he is home with just Mom and Dad, Caleb's life is kind of dull.

We must have really worn him out with all of yesterday's activities. After the baseball game last night Mom fed Caleb and then put him to bed. Once he went down in the bassinet, he slept through most of the night. This morning, he almost made it all the way through church without stirring. Dad stood at the back of the auditorium and rocked Caleb while he slept through the worship service.

Caleb slept through lunch and finally woke up this afternoon. He was in a really good mood and spent some time with Dad. It is really fun to watch Caleb right now because he is becoming much more expressive. He is starting to smile with more regularity, but we can't really figure out why he smiles, so we just enjoy it when he does.

After hanging out for a while, Caleb ate and fell asleep. He slept through much of the evening and is now fast asleep in his bassinet allowing Mom some much needed rest. He is starting to sleep for longer stretches, though there is not much of a pattern emerging. All we can do is try to keep up with Caleb and let Mom sleep when she can steal the opportunity.