A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ho Hum Day

Uncle S and Auntie M headed back to Tennessee this morning and the whole family was sad to see them go. Caleb was especially sad to see them go because he realized that he gets to have fun when they are here, but when he is home with just Mom and Dad, Caleb's life is kind of dull.

We must have really worn him out with all of yesterday's activities. After the baseball game last night Mom fed Caleb and then put him to bed. Once he went down in the bassinet, he slept through most of the night. This morning, he almost made it all the way through church without stirring. Dad stood at the back of the auditorium and rocked Caleb while he slept through the worship service.

Caleb slept through lunch and finally woke up this afternoon. He was in a really good mood and spent some time with Dad. It is really fun to watch Caleb right now because he is becoming much more expressive. He is starting to smile with more regularity, but we can't really figure out why he smiles, so we just enjoy it when he does.

After hanging out for a while, Caleb ate and fell asleep. He slept through much of the evening and is now fast asleep in his bassinet allowing Mom some much needed rest. He is starting to sleep for longer stretches, though there is not much of a pattern emerging. All we can do is try to keep up with Caleb and let Mom sleep when she can steal the opportunity.

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