A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 11, 2008

Settling In

At one week old on April 8, Caleb seemed to be getting in to a routine. He had a great night Monday night sleeping peacefully between each feeding. Then on Tuesday morning he was awake for an extended period of time giving both TuTu and Poppy some good hang out time. We thought we had turned a corner and passed one of our earliest challenges.

However, he has lapsed back into a pattern where he does not sleep as well at night between feedings. Nights are not as difficult as they were over the previous weekend, but they are taking their toll on Mom and Dad...moreso on Mom because she wants Dad to rest at night so she can rest during the day when Caleb sleeps really hard. She's been working to follow the advice of getting sleep when Caleb sleeps. Dad feels a little guilty though because Caleb is not challenging during the daytime and Dad has Poppy and TuTu's help. Dad has spent some time with Caleb at night and has changed some nighttime diapers, but Mom has been great and works hard for Caleb's sake.

Mom and Dad are trying to adjust to this little guy and his rhythms. Though he has challenged us, his Mom and Dad are so in love with him and are so grateful that God has brought him into our lives. We pray that we can rise to the challenge of raising this little man to be a child of God.

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