A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 11, 2008

Life is Good

Having Caleb is such a blessing to Mom and Dad. We've been home almost a week now and reality is starting to set in that we are now parents and that we have a precious son that we are responsible for seeing into adulthood and beyond. But Dad does not want to rush through this...I'm having far more fun than one person should be allowed.

Today, Mom and Dad had their first outing by themselves while Poppy and TuTu stayed behind to look after Caleb. Mom and Dad went out for a nice lunch together and then window shopped at a mall for a little while. While window shopping, Dad popped into a puppy store and an aquarium store. Dad would really like to get Caleb a dog and Dad also thinks it would be cool to get an aquarium some day. Both of these acquisitions are, of course, down the road when Caleb gets a little older. Both acquisitions may also have to wait until after Emma departs from our lives. Mom is OK with the aquarium idea, but is not so thrilled with the idea of getting a dog. Some strong persuasion is necessary.

While having lunch, Mom and Dad had the opportunity to reflect on how our lives have changed just in the last week and a half. It was especially poignant because there was an eight month old baby at the table next to us. It was especially amusing when Mom told Dad that she hadn't even noticed the baby. Mom would have noticed the baby instantaneously just two weeks ago. Dad marveled at the size of the baby and how big he is. We have a friend at church who also has an eight month old baby. Dad held him just a few months ago and it is amazing how big he has gotten in that time. This realization makes Dad want to savor every moment with Caleb and soak everything in so Dad will never forget. I am sure that there are small moments that Dad has already forgotten.

That is why I am sharing today's picture with you. It represents so much of Dad and how Dad feels about Caleb. Dad started noticing the Life is Good shirts a while back. Mom got this shirt for Dad this past Christmas because it has a football on it. One of Dad's favorite pastimes is watching football and Dad can't wait to start watching football games with Caleb. Dad also likes this photo because of the perspective it gives. In my hands, one can get a sense of just how small Caleb is right now. I know that in just a few short months, Caleb will be as big as that baby at the restaurant. But right now, Dad can cradle Caleb and hold him close with barely any effort. Dad enjoys these moments with Caleb mor than any other. The shirt says it all. Life is Good!

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