A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Out for a Walk

A theme that seems to have emerged lately has evolved around Caleb going out. As a newborn, and at his pediatrician's orders, we have been keeping him in the house and limiting his
time out of the house. So I guess it is a big deal when we take Caleb out of the house. Getting out of the house is also a big deal for Mom because she is stuck here with Caleb all day and is getting quite a bad case of cabin fever. So any chance Mom gets to leave the house is really exciting.

Today, Mom took Caleb for his first walk around the neighborhood. We have talked about going out for a walk for a couple of days now and Mom finally went through with it. While Mom enjoyed the exercise and the fresh heir, I didn't get the idea that Caleb was too impressed. According to Mom, Caleb did not like the sun so much. Of course, he has not been in direct sun light very often. So mom kept the canopy over Caleb for most of the walk, so she did not really get to enjoy him as much as she had hoped. Perhaps and early morning or evening walk would be more enjoyable.

The walk was also another first. Although we have used the infant carrier numerous times, today was the first time Caleb rode in his stroller. I doubt it made much of a difference to him since he still rides in the infant carrier, but it is nice to get some use out of the stroller rather than just having it take up space in the living room.

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