A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Little Moments

I'll say it again: Happy 9 week birthday. Your Mom and I are thrilled that you are a part of our lives now. There are so many little moments that bring us joy and that is what I want to share tonight.

Mom took her car in to have some work done on the brakes. This was not a fun chore for either Mom or Caleb as it required spending a couple of hours in an uncomfortable waiting room. Caleb slept through part of it before waking up and spending the rest of the time on Mom's lap. Althoug he did wake up cranky this time, it is always touching to admire how peaceful Caleb is when he is sleeping.

Caleb was wide awake and in a very good mood when I got home from work this evening. I took him into the bedroom and laid him down on the bed where we spent some time together. He is getting more expressive and reacts to me as I talk to him and tickle him. I was able to capture this picture of his smile using the camera on Mom's phone.

After I had changed clothes, we moved back into the kitchen to get dinner ready. For a while now, I have been talking about how strong Caleb is getting. Mom took this picture of Caleb because, for the first time, she laid him down on the Jungle Gym on his stomach and he held his head up from the moment Mom put him down. Prior to tonight, he has to push up from a prostrate position to get his head up and look around. So we were pleasantly surprised when he held his head up from the start.

It's hard to believe Caleb is already 9 weeks old and in his third month. On one hand, it seems like a lifetime ago before he was born. Memories of our life before Caleb are already fading. On the other hand, it has already gone be so fast. We have friends at church who tell us not to blink or he'll be graduating and getting married before we know it.

Milestones like his two month birthday or nine week birthday are fun to note and I know there are so many tremendous milestones ahead like his first words and his first step. I know we will be proud and joyful as he passes each of these milestones. I can easily see how a parent can get wrapped up in each of the milestones and then wonder where childhood went. So we try to savor the small moments like a smile or a new developmental achievement that may seem trivial to someone else. But to us, each and every one is a wonderful occasion worth celebrating. This is a wonderful journey we are on and I don't want to miss a single step.

I hope you are enjoying these glimpses into our journey.

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