A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Now I Believe

Turning over is becoming the big thing with Caleb. When I came home from work this afternoon. Mom and Caleb were sitting on the quilt playing. Mom was holding Caleb's toy off to his left side
and Caleb was laying on his back. His head was turned to his left and he was looking at the toy. He rolled onto his left side and reached for the toy with his right which took him about 3/4 of the way over. He struggled for a second, so I stepped over him to set my things down. When I turned back around, he was on his stomach and I missed it.

Shortly after I got home from work, Mom left for class, so I got down on the quilt with Caleb to play with him. I played the same game and put his toy of to the side to encourage him to roll over. I finally saw a complete roll over. Prior to this, I did not ackowledge an actual rollover despite all the visual evidence to the contrary. I rolled Caleb on his back and he instantly was back over on his stomach, so he definitly has pretty much mastered the rolling over thing.

I noticed something that Mom also noticed and captured on camera. Once he gets on his stomach, if he is near the edge of the quilt, Caleb is far more interested in the quilt tag than the rattle. Note the location of the toy in the first picture and the object of Caleb's focus. When I was playing with Caleb, he was much more interested in chewing on the tag and soaking the quilt than we has in playing with his toy.

The rolling over does have a downside. Mom put Caleb to bed a little earlier and I have the monitor. When he cries, I go check on him to make sure is OK and that his arm is not caught in the crib rails or anything serious like that. Once I make sure he is not trapped, I leave him alone to give him the opportunity to cry himself back to sleep. Just a little while ago, he cried so I went to check on him.

You have to understand that Caleb is a very fidgety sleeper. It's not uncommon for his head to be at one end of the cradle when he goes to sleep and the other end when he wakes up. Often, we will put him in one corner and he will migrate toward the other side of the crib and the other end of the crib. That is important to know because when I went in to check on Caleb, he was laying perpendicular to the crib, across the mattress. This is not unusual. However, he had rolled over and appeared to be trapped. His arm was sort of caught under neath his body and his pajamas were stretched over the shoulder, so I cold tell he had struggled a little bit. I rolled him over and he cried about a minute before he was back to sleep.

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