A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Survived Again

Caleb and I survived another Wednesday afternoon together. Here is how our routine pretty much goes. I leave work early so that I can get home and Mom can head to class. We almost
literally pass each other in the doorway and handoff Caleb as I am on the way in the house and Mom is on her way out of the house. Mom will have just fed Caleb, so he might be playful for a few minutes, but he will usually be ready for a nap. Once he's ready, I put him in the swing and he'll sleep between one and one and a half hours. Once he wakes up, I eat dinner, try to give him a bottle and then we head over to the church building. We make some rounds to say hello and then I drop Caleb off in the cradle roll class before going to my own class. Once class is over, I go get Caleb and we hang out until Mom shows up so e can do another handoff and Mom brings Caleb home and puts him to bed while I go to a meeting at church.

Tonight was off just a little bit. When I got home from work, Caleb was playing on the quilt and was wide awake. Mom said he even cried when she tried to put him in the swing after feeding him, so she put him back down to play. She took the first picture after he had rolled over and was trying to grab anything nearby. He likes to play with his pacifier and chew on it. If you look closely, you'll notice the nipple is facing away from Caleb. I took the second picture after Mom left. I put Caleb back on the quilt and pulled up a chair behind him. He looked cute straining to look at me, so I had to take a picture.

He started his nap a little later than usual and slept right up until it was time to go to the church building. I tried to feed him in the nursery before our classes started, but he doesn't seem to want to take the bottle from me. We'll have to keep working on that. Other than that, he is a really good boy and I enjoy our alone time on these afternoons.

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