A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mama's Pumpkin

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One of Mom's favorite nicknames for Caleb is Pumpkin. I often hear her cooing "hey Pumpkin!" Because of this she is keeping her eye open during the fall for pumpkin outfits and paraphernalia. We can never walk into Target and get past the $1 items they sell at the front store. She recently saw a pumpkin shaped photo frame at Target and snapped it up with no hesitation. So when Mom found this jack-o-lantern shirt, it was a no-brainer that she was going to buy it for Caleb. So now he's Mom's scary little pumpkin.

Caleb is growing more and more wiggly which makes it much more difficult to change diapers and put his clothes on. This morning, while Mom was was dressing Caleb, he flipped over on his stomach on the changing pad which was a first for him. We keep a basket full of toiletry items for Caleb on the changing table next to the changing pad. These items usually sit behing Caleb, but when he flipped over, the basket was right in his face. He quickly located his brush and he was obviously quite pleased with himself.

After he was dressed, we tried to get some work done in our side yard during the cool part of the morning. Mom set Caleb in his bouncy seat in the shade while we worked pulling weeds and trying to clean up some plants that have overgrown on the side of the house. We were able to get a little bit done, but it wasn't too long before Caleb grew tired on being confined to the bouncy seat while we ignored him. He was soon crying and Mom had to take Caleb into the house. I didn't work too much longer because it was starting to get hot already, but we did get a good amount of work done.

After coming in from working, I sat down to play a game of football on the Playstation. Mom wanted to go take a shower, so she brought the bouncy seat into the leaving room so she could leave Caleb with me while she showered. To be safe, she faced the bouncy seat away from the TV so Caleb could not watch it. For good measure, we gave him an empty water bottle to keep him entertained. Our efforts were futile because it wasn't long before he figured out how he could get a glimpse of the TV. Isn't it obvoius that the kid wants to watch football with me?

Caleb finally conked out about time we were ready to head out for the afternoon. We stopped for lunch at Arbetters, a famous hot dog restaurant. Caleb slept through our lunch. We then headed out to a mall for a leisurely stroll and we ended up picking up some clothes for Caleb to wear during the holiday season. We got home just in time to rest for a few minutes before we were back out the door to meet some friends to go to Octoberfest. We enjoyed sitting under a big tent eating bratwursts and listening to a loud band playing German music and various other tunes. Caleb did fine most of the evening and I was surprised how well he did with all the sound and stimulation. By the time we left, it was obvious he was very tired. When we packed up to leave, he was asleep in his car seat before we got out of the parking lot. He only woke up long enough to get a quick bath and a small snack before going back to sleep for the night.


Unknown said...

I think the pumpkin pic is my new favorite

Tammy said...

That bib is hilarious!

Caleb's Dad said...

Uncle S always has a new favorite picture. ;)

Caleb's Dad said...

We picked that bib up in the gift shop at the Nashville airport. I was surprised Mom let me get it.