A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 21, 2008

Out of the House

Caleb had a couple of firsts today. This morning, Caleb went with Mom to visit Mom's doctor and check on Mom's blood pressure. Caleb's been out of the house many times in his two weeks at home: two previous trips to Mom's doctor, two trips to the pediatrician, a run down to Knaus Berry Farm, two Wall's Ice Cream runs. Caleb has been in the car several times for varying lengths of time, buth this was the first time that Mom and Caleb went out on their own as a couple. Mom's blood pressure is back to normal which is a huge relief to all involved and Mom reports that Caleb did very well this morning. In this picture Caleb is in Mom's arms getting ready for their big outing together.

Tonight, after Dad got home from work, Caleb had another first. This was the first time Dad and Caleb stayed home alone together while Mom ran out so Mom could run some errands. While it was not an overall bad idea, the timing could have been better.

Caleb started waking up as Mom and Dad ate a yummy dinner dropped off by some special friends from church. According to Mom, Caleb had two more hours to go before he would want to eat. The plan was for Mom to go to the grocery store while she had a large window before the next feeding. Our was mistake was thinking Caleb would not want to eat soon after waking.

Caleb was fine at first and enjoyed spending time with Dad. However, Caleb was fussy and his fussiness increased as time went by. Caleb decided he was ready to eat, however, Mom wasn't here. Dad tried his best to soothe Caleb, but Caleb just wasn't having it. Caleb was on the verge of all out meltdown, so Caleb and Dad both were happy to hear the front door open. Mom helped avert a near disaster. Other than that, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad to hear the bp is down