A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Class? What Class?

One of the challenges we are facing is how to deal with Caleb at church. He's not consistent. Sometimes, he will sleep right through class, other times, I have to rock him at the back of the room. During actual church time, he's only made it through one worship service. Mom usually spends worship service with Caleb in the cry room or the nursery. The problem is, we both like to be in worship and we both want to be in class. However, one of us usually ends up missing part of class or worship. One of the ministers at church has started a new Wednesday night class on Thursday and we are both looking forward to that class. Caleb slept through the first class last week. This week, however, he was having none of it. We had not been sitting a minute when Caleb started crying. I took him out, but within a few minutes, it was obvious Caleb was hungry. I got Mom and I don't think she made it back to class. Of course, irony of ironies, I was rocking Caleb shortly after class was over and he went out like a light. His sense of timing is perfect.

As you can see, Caleb has just about outgrown the bassinet. He will be moving to the crib soon. Guess we have to get into the nursery and finalize everything so Caleb can start sleeping in there. He's been with us in the same room since he was born, so that is going to be a really strange transition. I have no idea how that is going to go.

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