A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Caleb showed no signs of a reaction to yesterday's immunizations, so I guess we are past this obstacle and on to the next challenge in this gauntlet called parenthood. We have said all along that we would allow people to hold Caleb after he had his shots. We had anticipated being able to pass him around today. To our surprise, no one held him at church this morning and a couple of people held him at our small group tonight.

It's a good thing no one held Caleb this morning. For some reason today, Caleb has been generating a lot of excretions. He caused three diapers to leak today. Mom got either pee or poop on both her dress and her blouse from this morning and had to change clothes when we got home from worship.

Mom had dressed Caleb in a white linen shirt, a little pair of khaki pants and his white shoes. Caleb's diaper leaked all over his pants, so he spent most of church in his linen shirt, white shoes and a diaper. Two different people bought us a pair of khaki pants, so Mom put the clean pair on him for small group tonight. Before we left small group, Caleb again filled his diaper so much that he soaked his pants and spent part of the time in just the shirt and diaper. This is a picture of Caleb in his shirt and diaper before Mom put on his pajamas.

I guess we are going to have to work on getting his diapers on securely

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