A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Like New

Tuesday, Septebmer 23, 2008

Marissa's mom brought Caleb a new play mat similar to his jungle gym. She said she found it at a garage sale. Since there were two, she took it as a sign that she should get them for Caleb and Marissa to keep in the nursery at school. She cleaned them up and Caleb played on it today.

Poppy and TuTu arrived this afternoon bearing gifts. They played for a little while with some of the new toys they brought. Being a baby, Caleb says his new books taste real good.

We all met for dinner at Five Guys and Caleb sat in his stroller while we ate. He was a good boy all through dinner, but it was also pretty obvious he was tired. After we came home, Mom fed Caleb and then he took a nap in TuTu's arms. He did wake up again and we played with him on a quilt for a few minutes and we were all entertained by his cuteness. However, he must still be worn out from his trip. He got cranky quickly, so Mom decided to go ahead and put him to bed an hour early. Tonight was the hardest night he's had going to sleep in quite some time. It took him a couple of hours to finally fall completely asleep where he didn't wake up every few minutes and cry. I expect because he did not go to sleep right away, he will be tired again Wednesday night. Hopefully he will go right to sleep so that he won't be tired and cranky during Poppy and TuTu's visit.

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