A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On the Bottle

Now that Mom is in class on Wednesday nights for several hours, we are trying to get Caleb to learn to take milk from a bottle. From the time she leaves for class until she comes home is a long time and is longer than Caleb is used to going without eating. Poppy and Tutu and Caleb and Dad all went out to dinner tonight. Caleb had taken a long nap and was very lively during dinner. Once our food arrived, I had Caleb. I thought he was acting hungry, so I got the bottle out and tried to feed him. Caleb insisted on holding the bottle. He kept bringing to his mouth and then setting it down. Everytime, he was able to get the nipple in his mouth. The only problem was he wasn't actually drinking the milk. He was chewing on the nipple instead. TuTu things he was getting milk even though he wasn't constantly suckling on the nipple. When I tried to hold the bottle for him and encourage him to eat, he wanted nothing to do with the bottle.

Sometimes, the nursery attendants on Wednesday night are able to get him to eat from the bottle. Tonight, they told me had wasn't having it. When they got home from church, TuTu tried to give him the bottle. In the picture, it looks like he is eating, but I don't actually know if he was taking the bottle.

It's kind of ironic that before he was born and in those first weeks, we were worried about nipple confusion, so we were intent on him getting everything he needs from Julie. Now we are having a hard time getting him to take a bottle. I don't regret our decision in the least and I wouldn't change a thing, but it does strike me as humorous.

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