A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 25, 2008

Home at Last

After a very short night, we were back at the New Orleans airport very early for a 6:00 A.M. flight to Miami. From landing to take off, we weren't even in the city for 12 hours. Caleb may have started to catch up on his sleep finally. He slept the entire flight and even stayed asleep as we moved through the airport to pick up our luggage.

After getting our bags, we wet outside to wait for our ride. We stood on a sidewalk between the bus/taxi lanes and the car lanes. Caleb continued to sleep through it except for the occasional bus that pulled up directly behind him. The roadway was covered and after a few minutes standing outside, the noise, heat and exhaust fumes were starting to get to me. I made a comment and Mom took Caleb back into the terminal to wait for our ride.

Once our ride arrived, we loaded up the car, got Caleb's seat strapped in tight and we took off. Since it was mid-morning, I went straight to work before our ride took Mom and Caleb home. Loading into the car stirred Caleb enough that he woke up. I was sitting in the back seat with his carrier and he and I had a good time making faces at each other. However, when we got to my office, he was starting to act up and I was able to get out of he car, so I don't really know how the rest of the ride went.

Tonight we were out and Caleb started to get restless. Mom strapped him in to the carrier and they took a walk around. I had ordered water with my dinner and when the bottle was empty, Mom carried it to the trash for me. She came back to me a few minutes later because Caleb was holding on to the water bottle and examining it pretty closey without assistance. He wasn't able to hold on to it for very long. He's doing a good job closing his hand around objects small enough to fit in his fist and he can get his fingers hooked in objects with a gap. On the other hand, he has some work to do on his two hnad grip.

Even in the midst of a stressfule experience, Caleb has the ability to keep my focus on him and impress me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

each day a new pic becomes my favorite. Today it is the water bottle.