A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend Warrior

We had a pretty busy day today. We got up and went to worship this morning with Poppy and TuTu. We started out in Sunday School class where this picture was taken. Mom took this picture at the beginning of class. TuTu got caught by the Sunday School teacher a little later trying to take her own picture during class. Caleb sat quietly through most of the class except for the last couple of minutes.

We went to the worship service next and Caleb slept through most of the service. He did get fussy toward the end and Poppy got to take him out of the service so everyone could see him with his grandson.

It was nice to see so many people at the worship service this morning; a lot of people who have been special to my family for a long time. Of course, most of the people wanted to see Caleb and made sure we know how much Poppy and TuTu have talked about Caleb and how much they were looking forward to this trip. Many of them also reminded methat they knew me when I was Caleb's age. So this morning was a very special time.

After worship, we went to lunch with all of Dad's family. We went to Tia Juana's which is one of our favorite Mexican food places to enjoy when we come to Roswell. We had a nice visit with our family.

I have forgotten how many flies there are in this town. We don't have them in Miami in the numbers they are here. Everywhere we go there seems to be one buzzing around, even indoors. There was one that kept buzzing around Caleb during lunch and kept landing on his head. It didn't seem to bother him unless it actually landed on his face. We must be terrible parents because Poppy kept shooing the fly away while Mom kept trying to get a picture of it. I can't criticize because I didn't discourage her and the picture might have even been my idea.

After resting for awhile this afternoon, we headed back out to the Spring River Park and Zoo. The park has been here for a very long time and I remember visiting the park when I was little and we were visiting my grandparents before we ever moved here. The main attraction for our visit was an antique carousel and a miniature train that runs around the park. The prices are antique too...each ride was a quarter per person.

We rode the carousel first. I stood next to Caleb and put him on one of the horses and Mom was on the horse next to me. Caleb seemed to enjoy the ride. He certainly didn't protest or fuss during the ride. Next we rode the train. The train was a lot smaller than I remember. this may have been the first time I've ridden the train as an adult. All in all, we had a nice ride.

After our rides, Mom asked me to take Caleb back to the car and change his diaper. I laid him down in the back of Poppy and TuTu's car. It was pretty warm today and as I changed his diaper, I could tell he was pretty tired. He just sort of laid there and stared up at me.

After changing his diaper, I took him to Mom and we strapped him into the Bjorn carrier. Normally, he faces out so he can look around and explore. Today, he was so tired that Mom faced him toward her chest and put up the support behind his head. He cried a little bit, but it did not take long for him to fall asleep. He was sound enough asleep that we were able to take a stroll through the zoo.

After our stroll, we got in the car to head for dinner. Taking him out of the Bjorn carrier and getting him strapped in to the car seat woke him up. We took this picture of him as we pulled out of the zoo. You can just see the tiredness in his eyes. We have had so much fun on the trip to Tennessee and this trip and we have some more fun things planned before we head home on Wednesday, but I know he is going to appreciate getting back to Miami and getting back into a routine.

After dinner, we came home and rested for a while, then we headed over to Great Aunt Net Net's house (Dad's maternal aunt...TuTu' sister). We had a nice visit over there. Caleb must have had a nice nap after dinner because he was pretty mellow. He only fussed if he person holding him had the nerve to try and sit down. We watched Caleb's cousin Kelton play with his Dad. Kelton is about to turn three and is a blur of energy. It's pretty educational to see what is in store for us as Caleb grows up. Caleb sat and watched the whole time. He was pretty mesmerized with the whole scene.

After taking it easy for a few days, we squeezed a lot into one day. I think we finally found Caleb's limit. He still won't sleep on his own, but he seems to be sleeping for longer periods. When we get home, we're going to have to work on that whole sleeping by himself thing.

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