A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last Minute Tasks

The last day of a trip is always hectic as we try to cram a lot of stuff in including goodbyes with family, picking up gifts and grocery shopping for Mexican ingredients we can't get in Miami. Today, we went out for one last meal with Dad's family. Mom and I sat at the end of the table so we could put Caleb's car seat on the table with us. We hooked his new toy bar to the handle of the seat. That has to be one of the best toy inventions ever. Caleb loves spinning the things on the bar. During lunch he was able to reach up and hook his fingers through one of the spinners and he held onto it for quite a while.

After lunch, Dad headed out to the golf course with his cousins. Caleb headed back to the house with Mom and Poppy and TuTu. While Dad was out, Caleb got in some play time. All week long, he's been getting play time on this quilt. This quilt has a silky bottom, so it slides reall easily on the carpet. When Caleb is on his back, he flails his arms and kicks alot, so the blanket is stays neatly laid out. He always manages to get it scrunched up. He's also able to grab the blanket and pull it around him. A couple of times, he's almost wrapped himself up like a burrito.

After Dad got home from the golf course, Caleb, Mom, Dad, Poppy and TuTu went out for one last dinner together and then for ice cream. We also went to the grocery store so Dad could have some ingredients to make Mexican food back in Miami. While driving around town, Mom took this picture of Caleb. Even though it's not really a good picture because Caleb got washed out by the flash, I like it because you can still see his eyes. What really cathes me is that he does not have red eye in the picture. We have a hard time getting pictures of Caleb without red eye when he's looking directly at the camera.

We have a had a great time here at Poppy and TuTu's house. I can't believe our week has already passed. We have had a fun time and I know Poppy and TuTu have had a good time showing off Caleb. But alas, we must head back to Miami tomorrow. The Caleb Summer 2008 Tour is coming to an end, but we have a whole new set of adventures ahead as we try to get Caleb back into his crib, as the school year starts and as Caleb is on a rocket ride of learning new skills. The last three and a half months have been the most thrilling times. I can't wait to see what else is in store.

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