A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On the Move

It's strange to me that some days, I have a hard time figuring out what to say and which picture to use. Other days, there are a bunch of pictures and so much to tell. Today was one of those multi-picture days.

Caleb's been wiggly for a while now, but now he is actually starting to propel his body. He can really pump those legs pretty vigorously now. Watching him, you get the sense than at any moment he could get some traction and launch himself into crawling.

Mom took this first two pictures this morning with the phone on her camera. Mom originally laid him on the quilt so that his head should be at the bottom of the picture and his feet at the top. She stepped out of
her office into the main office to talk to a parent and she came back in and Caleb had done a complete 180. A few minutes later, he had managed to get himslef further off the quilt.

The key to Caleb's movement seems to be the fact that he has pretty strong legs. Dr. K. commented on his leg strength way back at the two month appointment and he has stood on his legs really well just about since he was born (with assistance of course). Tonight, as we were getting ready to head to the church building for our Wednesday night class, Mom tried to get Caleb strapped into the car seat, but he wouldn't cooperate and bend his legs. He just stood in the car seat for a few moments. Mom finally got him settled into the seat and we were off.

We had decided before all of our trips that we would start leaving Caleb in the Cradle Roll class once we got back to Miami. Tonight was our first opportunity to do so since we were in Orlando this past weekend. Mom quickly ran in, got him situtated, snaped a couple of pictures and joined me in class. We got the report that he generally did pretty well with a little fussing at the end.

So not only is Caleb moving on physically, he's moving on in "maturity." I can't believe he is already at the point where he is going to be able to be in bible class on his own. This feels like such a big step. It's going to be nice for Mom and me to enjoy class together again, but it feels so odd to leave our son in the care of another person. I know that one of our major (and maybe even sole) duties as parents is to prepare Caleb to survive on his own without us, I just didn't know we would have to start doing it so soon. (I'm also pretty sure I'll look back at this some day and think I'm being pretty silly to let this be such a big deal, but to me, right now, this is a VERY big deal.)

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