A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, August 1, 2008

From Mother With Love

As Granddaddy would say, Caleb is 1/3 today. Caleb is four months old meaning he's already made it through a third of a year.

I didn't actually witness any of the action taking place in today's pictures. Today's pictures are all courtesy of Mom and are of things she wanted to share.

Mom took this picture of Caleb in the mirror. She had given him a new rattle today which he seemed to like quite a bit. Mom wanted to show that she was zooming around the house with Caleb on her hip clutching the new rattle.

Caleb also enjoyed playing with his new rattle while lying on his changing table.

Finally, Mom had Caleb in her lap and was playing with the rattle. But this particular picture is not actually of the rattle. Mom pulled out the camera and Caleb turned his head away from her. Mom spoke his name and he responded by turning to face her.

His grip continues to improve and he is beginning to associate sounds and the direction from which they originate. We are blessed to have such a wonderful baby.

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