A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are You Ready For Some Football!?!?!

Tonight was the University of Miami's first game of the season and first game in Dolphin Stadium. The University is trying to create more atmosphere at the games and they are encouraging everyone to wear orange to all home games. In the spirit of the new season, Mom had Caleb decked out showing off his colors today.

We got a minor scare from Caleb last night. When I picked Caleb up from the cradle roll class, they mentioned that Caleb's foot was swolen and that Mom had called the doctor. The doctor told Mom to draw a line around the swelling so we could monitor whether it grew worse. You can see the ink on his foot. We looked at his foot together and I saw a very small bump that made us wonder if Caleb had been bitten by something.

This morning, the swelling had gone up a little, so Mom called Dr. K and she had Mom bring Caleb in. She checked him and she thought it was just a bug bite. She didn't prescribe anything, so Mom took Caleb back to school. The swelling is down tonight, so we are not concerned anymore. Dr. K did warn us that this might be an indication that Caleb is allergic to bug bites, so we'll have to pay close attention to him.

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