A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Burgers and Baths

A new restaurant, Five Guys Burgers and Fries, opened up around the corner from us recently, so we decided to go there for lunch today. We took Caleb with us and ate lunch there at the restaurant. The music there was pretty loud, but it didn't seem to bother Caleb at all. He sat in his infant seat the entire time without making a sound. This is a picture of him sitting on the table at the restaurant.

After dinner, we went back out for ice cream and Caleb did great again. On both trips, we noticed an interesting phenomenon. Complete strangers love looking at Caleb. On the way in to Five Guys, we passed several people and overheard them saying things about Caleb. Once there, people were looking at him and the manager even came over to admire him. At the ice cream parlor, we sat right outside the front door on a bench. Just about everybody that passed by as they were leaving stopped to look at Caleb and ask about him. He was sleeping peacefully the whole time. One nice lady reminded us to enjoy this time while it lasts because it does not last long.

I don't say this with the intent to brag. I attribute this phenomenon to the fact that Caleb is just a tiny baby. Of course Mom and Dad think Caleb is beautiful. But we are especially proud when strangers stop to look at him and compliment him.

Of course, tomorrow is Mother's Day. Caleb will be making his big debut at Sunday morning worship service tomorrow. In preparation for the big day, Caleb got a bath today. Mom is still trying to figure out the best way to give Caleb a bath. Today she tried giving him the bath in a red tub we own. Although Mom was not happy with how well the tub worked, this was the best bath Caleb has had. So far he has not enjoyed his baths. He usually cries the whole time until he is wrapped up in a towel afterward. But today, he was good and watched his mom the whole time instead of crying. He didn't protest at all despite the fact that Mom woke him up from a nap to bathe him.

We are looking forward to celebrating Mom's first Mother's Day and being at worhip together as a family for the first time.

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