A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a Morning

As we take pictures, I realize that there are three basic types of pictures. In the first category, there are pictures like yesterday's that really capture how precious and cute Caleb is. These pictures are kind of rare. In the second category are what I call "news" pictures. These are pictures that are really nothing more than a snapshot in time with no special significance. These are pictures we use to show an outfit Caleb was wearing or we he was taking a nap. "News" pictures report facts and not much else. The third category of pictures lies somewhere in between the first two categories. This is a group of pictures that does not capture that unique moment in which the essence of Caleb is readily apparent, but carry a special signifiance in our mind because of what was going on when the picture was taken.

This picture lies in that third category. Normally, Dad meets a couple of guys on Tuesday mornings to have breakfast and pray together. This morning, Mom woke me about half an hour before my alarm went off asking me to please take him for a wile. (He was wide awake and exercising his lungs.) I normally don't like to be awakened so close to the time my alarm is scheduled to sound. But I was willing to take Caleb because I was asked.

I brought Caleb into the living room for a while, but it was apparent he wanted to eat, so I took him back to Mom. Meanwhile, it was time for my alarm to go off. One of the guys was out of town and I was secretly hoping the other guy would have a reason to cancel. Well, he sent me a text message to cancel and I was excited to get back in bed and catch a few more Z's.

Mom had set Caleb on the bed beside her with his head in between our pillows. When I laid back down, Caleb was between us crying. I put my arm underneath him and was able to slowly rock him back to sleep. Once he was asleep I began to doze off so that all three of us were there on the bed together sleeping. It was so nice to sleep like that. As my time to get up and get ready for work approached, I did not want to get up and was wishing that moment would last forever. The picture above shows Caleb asleep in his spot on the bed next to Mom.

We continue to expose Caleb to different parts of our world in an effort to reintegrate Mom into some semblance of a normal life. We have a group of people from church that gets together on Tuesday nights for a bible study at Starbucks. We took Caleb tonight and he slept through most of the study. He woke up after a while ready to eat. After Mom fed him, Caleb was wide awake and ready to show off for the group. I held Caleb in my lap so that everybody could get a good look at him.

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