A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 4, 2008

You never Know What You're Going to Get

This picture was taken just a few minutes ago. Right after Caleb finished eating. Why is that significant, you ask? Because that is not the pattern.

Usually, when Caleb eats, he falls asleep while eating. This has helped establish a routine. At night around this time, Caleb gets a clean diaper, gets swaddled, eats and is usually ready to sleep afterward, usually allowing Mom to get some rest. So this is a curve ball. One that Mom does not appreciate very much. Mom is now trying to coax Caleb to sleep and he is not cooperating.

Perhaps it is because of all the stimulation Caleb has had today. This afternoon, one of Dad's law school classmates and his wife stopped by on their way down to Key West for vacation. They dropped by to say high and leave a gift for Caleb. It was nice seeing them.

This evening was a monumental occasion for Caleb. He made his first appearance at our small group. This was an ambitious undertaking because of the amount of time Caleb was out. From the time we left the house to the time we got back, we were out for nearly five hours. This by far the longest stretch of time Caleb has been out. He was a champ. He slept part of the time, ate and hung out. He was a hit and everyone agreed that he is fortunate that he looks more like his Mom than his Dad. He did not take the opportunity to show off his lungs until right before we left. Riding in the car put him to sleep, so we did not have to hear him cry the whole way home. However, when we got home, he was more than ready to eat. Now that he is done eating, he is unusually alert and who knows how long it will be before there is anyone sleeping in this house.

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