A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Change in Plans

Well, I should be writing from my desk at home in Miami, but unfortunately, we are stuck in New Orleans. We had a delay out of Dallas due to engine maintenance. We got into New Orleans less than half an hour after our flight was scheduled to leave for Miami, but we were too late. We are now in a hotel by the airport waiting for an early morning flight to Miami. It's frustrating to be here rather than in our own bed in our own home, but we are safe and we are together and that is all that matters.

Other than that, here is a quick rundown of our day:

After unwillingly saying our goodbyes to Poppy and TuTu, we got a mid-morning start out of Roswell and Caleb was doing pretty well. He rode in his Mom's lap and didn't protest during the flight. Instead, he slept part of the way.

When we got to Miami, Mom strapped Caleb into the bjorn carrier to move through the airport. I took this picture on my phone as we walked through the train station in the Dallas airport moving between terminals. Caleb had awakened as we landed, but was in a good mood as we walked. his is also trying to turn the head support on the carrier into a chew toy.

We had a layover as it was, but we ended up being in Dallas for a long time. One of the lessons we learned last week was that Caleb does not like being cramped for a long time. Last
week when we got to Poppy and TuTu's house, it was apparent that Caleb enjoyed stretching out. 0nce we got to our gate, we spread out a blanket and laid Caleb down so he had some room to move around. he seemed to really enjoy kicking and squirming around. I got down in the floor with him and we played with one of his toys.

When he is down on the ground in a good mood, Claeb really likes to wiggle and kick. When he started out, the blanket was completely outstretched. It did not take Caleb lon to scrunch up the blanket so that it did not take up much more space than his body. After a while, Mom picked up Caleb to feed him and then he napped in her arms.

When we finally got onto the plane, we thought we had the row to ourselves and that we would be able to stretch out. We laid Caleb in the seat between us. We hadn't been in the seats long when the flight attendants announced that the flight was full. We hoped we would have the row to ourselves, but we ended up sharing the row with another individual. We gathered our things together and Mom moved into the middle seat with Caleb next to me.

Caleb was really cranky as we taxied and took off. I rocked him to sleep but had a hard time keeping him to sleep. Either the plane would bounce or there would be a loud noise. After we got into the air, he finally fell into a sound sleep. I passed him to Mom who fed him when he started to wake up and he stayed with her until the end of the flight.

By the time we got here, I wasn't surprised that we had missed our flight, but I was still hoping they would hold it for us. They didn't and the airline sent us to this hotel near the airport. Fortunately, we had stocked up on burritos and had some for dinner because we can't find a restaurant anywhere near our hotel. After eating, Mom climbed into bed to feed Caleb and get him so sleep. Before she fell asleep, she snapped this picture of Caleb and sent it to me.

We have a really early flight tomorrow, so we have to get some rest. On the bright side, Caleb will have now spent the night in his fourth state which was not in our original plan.


Unknown said...

The Big Easy! Such is Caleb's life.

The Metzes said...

Hope you are back home now! I love the bug outfit!
