A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lots! Of! Family!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whatshername's students bought her a pack 'n play before Caleb was born and that is where Caleb slept (or at least that was the intention...not sure how much he actually slept in the pack 'n play) while at her house. It's always funny to walk into a room knowing you laid Caleb down longways and find hime laying across the bed.

As a fundraiser for the fire department, Granddaddy had bought a session with an Olan Mills photographer and the session was Saturday morning. All seven of us went to have our picture taken. The photographer had this chair in the studio. Whoever had Caleb at the time stuck him in the chair. I got this picture on my camera, but there was a hand sticking through the chair handle propping Caleb up. Uncle S got this particular picture with his iPhone and mailed it to me later in the day.

This was probably this busyest day of all and the hardest for Caleb. Because Mom's birthday falls on a holiday, everyone has the day off and her family always has a big celebration for her. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all came over. We all had a good time eating and laughing with one another. Caleb spent a lot of time on the white quilt entertaining various people. In this particualr picture, five people are hovering over Caleb and three of them (including his Mom) are sticking cameras in his face. Granddaddy was fond of saying throughout the week that Caleb had never seen a camera flash before, or something along those lines (Granddaddy's a bit of a smart alec). Whatshername spent much of the day discussing with anyone who would listen what Caleb should call her. As you can see no consensus was reached and she is still Whatshername. (Quite frankly, I think she's already stuck with it.) As fun as this day was, this was probably the day that really took it out of Caleb. We had about 20 people at the house all wanting Caleb time. The result was that if he did get naps, they were short and not that restful.

On our way home from the photo session, Mom and I stopped and I got a nice big package of fireworks which is one of our traditions whenever we are in Tennessee for Mom's birthday. Once it got dark, we went out and shot off fireworks for about half an hour. Mom said tha Caleb was alert the whole time, was not bothered by the noise and actually seemed to be watching the light as they exploded.

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