A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Introductions

Thursday, July 3, 2008

In some ways, Thursday was not as busy as Wednesday because it Caleb did not see as many people, but it was more hectic and tiring because we spent more time in the car. After lunch, we loaded up and headed down to Summertown, TN so that Caleb could meet his MawMaw and PawPaw, Mom's maternal great-grandparents. He's not the first on this side, but it's been a while since there's been a new baby, so it was still pretty exciting. When we arrived, MawMaw and PawPaw did not even let us get the house before they had Caleb in their arms. Once we got inside, out came the white quilt and Caleb again peformed for quite an audience.

Before we headed back to Columbia, Mom's Aunt AP came over with another of Mom's cousins to see Caleb. Mom comes from a close family and I have always looked forward to sharing our children with them. I have seen how other babies are received and I knew Caleb would be treated the same. Knowing that everyone would be thrilled to see him, I've been anxious to see his reception. AP took him into her arms and it wasn't long before she had coaxed Caleb to sleep and cuddled with him.

After our visit in Summertown, we hurried home for dinner. Granddaddy had bought some barbecue from a friend of his and we were all hungry and anxious to get home and try it. Uncle S and Auntie M came over for dinner and to spend some more time with Caleb. Everyone in Mom's family loves Caleb and they are all happy for us. But for some reason, I have been really surprised at the reception Caleb has received from his Uncle S and Auntie M. I have really enjoyed seeing their excitement over Caleb and the love they have for him. I enjoyed every opportunity we had for them to see Caleb because they seem to have so much joy over him.

We are really working on strengthening Caleb's legs and one of the most fun ways to play with him is to support him while he stands. While they were over at the house, Uncle S and Auntie M spent most of their time on the ground playing with Caleb. In this picture, Auntie M is holding Caleb.

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