A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Be Careful Little Hands

A few nights ago, Caleb woke us up crying. We're supposed to let him cry for a while before we go in and check on his so he will learn how to lure himself back to sleep. It's hard to listen to him cry, but it's better for him in the long run. That particular night, he did cry himself back to sleep. The next morning when Mom went in to the room to get him up, she found hip at the very edge of the crib with his arm sticking out of bars of the crib. So now we peek into his room immediately if he wakes up to make sure he hasn't gotten his arm out of the crib.

Last night, we discovered why he keeps getting his arm out of the crib. Caleb is working on grabbing, so he usually latches on to whatever he can get his hands on. Last night, we discovered that he is grabbing on the bumper pad. If you look closely at this picture, you'll notice some small fingers grasping the bottom of the pad. We figure he grabs hold of it and then scoots toward the side of the crib and his arm ends up outside the crib. We are going to lower the bumber pad so that hopefully he can't get his arm under it anymore.

This afternoon, Caleb spent some time playing on his stomach on his jungle gym. He seems to be tolearating tummy time for much longer periods. Mom speculates that it is because his back, neck and arms are getting stronger and he can hold himself up to look around. Notice how high he his is holding his head in this picture. Also, look at how his right hand is grabbing the collar of his shirt.

Tonight, we went to our congregation's annual ice cream fellowship. Every year, we have a fellowship where we enjoy homemade ice cream and desserts. There is always a contest for best ice cream and dessert and the winner gets a prize. This year the prize was a big mixing bowl full of baking supplies. The bowl was topped with a big purple bow. One of the little girls at church one first prize. She gave caleb the bow from her prize and he enjoyed playing with it. Of course, with Caleb these days, by playing with it, I mean he had a good time trying to stick it in his mouth.

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