A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

He's Not a Barbie

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It seems as if Mom has been putting on a lot of new clothes on Caleb the last few days and weeks. I pointed this out to Mom the other day and asked her why she was in such a new clothes frenzy. Mom said she's not in a frenzy so much as she just wants to make sure Caleb wears the clothes before he outgrows them. Caleb is always growing, but I'm still amused by the number of new outfits that have come out of Caleb's closet the last few days.

Today Caleb wore a new outfit to church. This Outfit really looks like a big boy outfit. It consists of a collared onsie, a sweater vest with animals on it and brown houndstooth print pants. Mom also had on his little, white dress shoes. He was looking pretty cute today. Mom took some pictures of Caleb on his changing table in his new outfit. I chose this one because of the way Caleb has his hands crossed. He crosses his hands like this quite often. Mom says I cross my hands like this too, but I'm not so sure.

After worship this monrning, we went out to lunch with a large group of our friends. Caleb is a big hit with our friends and they all enjoy watching him. Yesterday, he even got passed around some as different friends wanted to hold him. But usually, we just sit him up on the table so he play and so everyone can watch him.

After lunch, we came home to relax for a little before heading out to our life group. I guess we all relaxed really well because we ended up taking a family nap in the bed with Caleb in between us. Mom and Dad both woke up to get ready to go, but Caleb continued to nap on the bed. It is for Caleb's own good that he sleeps in his crib at night, but we miss having him with us in the bed. I know Mom especially misses him. So it was really nice to nap with him this afternoon.

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