A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day of Firsts

Well, Caleb survived his first Tropical Storm There wasn't much to TS Fay and I'm pretty certain Caleb was not even aware anything unusual was going on. We did get some pretty heavy rain last night. The strange thing about it was hearing the rain pelting his window over the baby monitor in addition to hearing the rain on our own window.

The storm did keep Mom and Caleb from school for another day, so they hung out around the house. Mom said that this picture is Caleb about to fall onto his toy. I guess you can't really tell that from the picture. What's really intersting about the picture is the expression on Caleb's face. I've never seen that expression before and I can't even begin to tell you why he has that look. All I know is it is some sort of a nonchalant smirk.

To pass the time, Mom tried to take Caleb for a walk a couple of times. The firs walk was in the stroller. Although the rain had cleared up, it was still breezy so they did not stay out very long. This was the first time Caleb has ridden the stroller in the seat rather than in the car seat. He's already been through several diaper sizes and is essentially on his second set of clothes working on the third, but I can't believe he's already moved from the car seat the stroller. He's getting big way too fast. Mom tried to take him out later on in the day minus the stroller and that walk was also cut short because they had to head back to the house for a diaper change.

Caleb wore another new outfit today. This one is football themed. Mom likes it because of the little visor. It is cute, but it doesn't match the outfit. It seems like it would be more appropriate if it was baseball instead of football. At our bible study last night, one of our friends said he looked like a dealer in Las Vegas. Personally, I think he looks like he belongs on a 1920's baseball card.

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