A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 18, 2008

Momma's Little Helper

Caleb moves around in his crib a lot while he is asleep. I went in to his room last night to peek at him and he had sort of rolled over onto his left side and had pushed his feet up against the side of the crib. When Mom went in to get him this morning, he had apparently pushed off the side of the crib and had gone sideways at the head of the crib. I hope that he is just restless and that this does not mean he is going to be a sleep walker once he is in a big boy bed.

Caleb has started rolling over from time to time. He mostly does it in his sleep like he did last night. He also rolls over pretty easily from his tummy if he can get high enough on his arms. He did it yesterday on his jungle gym. I set him down and he pushed up and leaned to the side and gravity did the rest. The most challenging move for him is to go from his back to his tummy.

While I was getting ready for work this morning, Mom put Caleb on the bed on his back. I heard him crying a couple of minutes later. Caleb had rolled over on his tummy. The problem was he does not know what to do with his arm yet, so he rolls onto it and it was pinned beneath his body. He didn't like this state of affairs. Mom, following her supernatural maternal instincts, sprang into action to go find the camera and snap a picture before freeing Caleb from his self-inflicted prison.

Today was supposed to be the first day of school. However, schools were closed because of Tropical Storm Fay, so Mom and Caleb stayed home. Mom used the time to get some household chores done including some laundry. Caleb was on the bed while Mom folded laundry next to him. He wasn't able to be very productive, but as you can see, he wanted to help Mom fold the towels.

I wish I had a camera for this last story, or to be more accurate, a video, because it left us wide eyed. Tonight, we were sitting on the bed hanging out. I was standing Caleb in front of me, but he kept twisting his body to look at something over his shoulder. I turned him around and figured out what he was looking at. He leaned forward in my hands to reach for his pacfier which was now in front of him on the bed. He picked it up with his hand and brought it to his mouth with the nipple facing the right direction. He got the nipple into his mouth, but he didn't hold on to it long enough to get a good suck on it, so it fell right back out of his mouth. Mom and I just stared at him amazed at the level of recognition and coordination he displayed. We will now anxiously watch for more signs of high level cognition.

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