A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Saturdya mornings are welcome for Mom and Caleb, especially now that school has started and they both have to get up so early. They get to sleep in a little on Saturday mornings. Dad has started running and has a group run on Saturday mornings, so Caleb and Mom get some one on one time on Saturday mornings. Usually, Mom gets Caleb out of the crib and brings him back to bed with her. She'll nurse him and then they hang out to play and talk. Mom took this picture after nursing him. Note the three fingers in the mouth. Caleb likes to put things in his mouth and his fingers are just about the most common thing we find in his mouth.

After I came home from my run, I took a shower then I took Caleb so Mom could take her shower. Caleb and I hung out on the bed. Caleb was content to just lay there and look around the room. I was surprised when Emma jumped up on the bed. When Caleb first came home, Emma was scared of Caleb and did not want to have anything to do with him. If she approached him at all, it was very apprehensive. After four plus months of Caleb, Emma is no longer afraid of him, but she still does not really have anything to do with. She'll approach him now and she no longer shows any fear, but she still does nothing more than give him a long sniff then saunters off. That is what she did this morning. She jumped up on the bed and was surprised to find Caleb there. She gave him a long sniff then went to the end of the bed to lay down. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of the sniffing, but I did move fast enough to get both of them in the frame. As for Caleb, he watches Emma when she is nearby, but he doesn't show much interest in her either beyond that.

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