A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 11, 2008

Future Olympian

Sunaday, August 10, 2008

By the time he went to bed last night, Caleb was running a fever from his shots. His fever broke however by morning and his temperature was back to normal. That was good for his sake and also for the fact that we had planned to go to a cookout on the beach today.

Our young professionals group had planned a day at the beach as soon as worship and class were over. We headed out after class to change and then went out to the beach. Unfortunately, there were storm clouds gathering and it rained right after we got there threatening the whole event. It quit raining and eventually the sun came out. Caleb's outfit got pretty wet, so we just let him hang out in his diaper until we went swimming. After lunch, we went down to the water and took Caleb in with us. The water was nice and cool and Caleb initially didn't like it. After he acclimated, he was having a good time and was even kicking his legs in the water. I predict that boy is going to be swimmer.

Tonight, as part of Caleb's betime routine, I gave him a bath for this first time. He didn't seem to mind too much. After I got him out of the tub, I realized I hadn't rinsed him very well. But he survived and I'm sure I'll be "allowed" to give him more baths in the future.

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