A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Round Two

Caleb had another busy day today. It started off with the four month visit to see Dr. K. Mom and Caleb arrived to the doctor's office a little early, so they waited in the car for a few minutes, Caleb clutching one of his many toys. Caleb now weighs 15 pounds, 2 ounces and is 24 inches long. His weight is now back down to around the 50th percentile. Dr. K. continues to be impressed with Caleb and today called him a lovely boy.

All was not well at the Dr. visit as poor Caleb had to have his second round of shots. He was not thrilled when the nurse stuck a needle in his legs three times.

For the last set of shots, we were able to just relax at home. However, Mom had agreed to help host a reception for a couple at church that got married out of state a few months ago. Right after the appointment, Mom headed to the home where the reception was being held to set up the decorations. She returned home for a while then we went out to get Dad some running shoes. After shopping, we went to the reception. Caleb was not really thrilled with the crowd at the reception.

After the reception, Mom and Dad had a date in celebration of our anniversary. We left Caleb with one of the many nice ladies from our congregation who have offered to keep Caleb for us. This was the fist time we have left Caleb with someone other than a family member, so this was a fairly significant event. (So significant, we didn't even take pictures.) We were a little concerned about leaving him in his cranky state (for her sake, not his), but she convinced us to leave him. We had a nice time and she told us that Caleb did really well and slept a good part of the time. We only left him for a little more than three hours, but Mom was really excited to see him and said she really missed him. So this was a good training opportunity for Mom as next week she is going to start leaving Caleb with her daytime baby sitter.

Caleb was fairly cranky today, but made it through pretty well.

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