A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Roly Poly

Caleb had another successful night of sleeping. He slept through the whole night we did not have to go into his room a single time to soother him. It's an odd feeling, though. We are used to him waking constantly and we are used to having him next to us. So it is a big adjustment having him sleep quietly through the night in another room. Because it is so out of character for him to sleep peacefully for an extended period of time, you begin to question whether he is OK. When I go into that nursery, I'm looking for any sign of breathing or movement. In my logical brain, I know he's fine and millions of babies sleep on their own. By my emotional brain wonders about his safety and whether I should keep him close at all times. Of course the logical brain wins out, but that does not prevent me from tensing up when I first walk into the room to look at him.

Of course, this morning, Mom had a sign that he was OK when she first walked in the door. Caleb had rolled over in his sleep and was just about sleeping on his tummy. Mom came back into our room just long enough to wake me and say "Caleb rolled over. I'm going to get the camera." Of course, I jumped out of the bed and went into the nursery to see him. There he lay on his stomach looking as paeaceful as ever.

Mom's about to start school again, so she and Caleb took one last opportunity to come have lunch with me. Caleb has been trying to figure out how to sit up the last few days. He generally understands which muscles are necesary and tries to use them, but he just doesn' have the strength quite yet. He usually ends up just slumping over, or, when he's in the car seat, sort of on his back, he draws his legs in and drops his head in so that he curls up like ball. At the restaurant, we left him in his seat, but he was still trying to sit up. Based on the way he was sitting, his efforts generally ended with his legs sticking straight in the air. One time I grabbed his leg and moved it in front of his face. He ended up contemplating his foot in the same manner his ponders his finger. So we had a lot of fun with him today.

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